Who Should Give?

Everyone who calls People’s Church home. We’re family! If we’re going to see God do all He desires to do in us and through us it will take each of us doing our part. He’s a good God, and He wants to bless His children. So He calls us to take steps in our faith. Those steps will deepen our trust in God and will allow us to experience what the bible calls the joy of generosity. If you’ve never been a consistent giver, I want to encourage you to take a step! If you’ve never trusted God by tithing, take a step! If you’re already tithing I encourage you to take a step and begin to give above your tithe to Dream Builders. God has more for People’s Church and He has more for your life. As you pray and ask God to speak to you, you can be sure your next step will require faith. But I can assure you, you will never regret trusting God and obeying His voice. Whether you’re able to give $10 a month, $100, $10,000, $100,000 or $1,000,000, your giving will make an eternal impact.

What’s the difference between tithing, Dream Builders and the Miracle Offering?

The Tithe God asks every Christ follower to give 10% of all of their income to the local church. The tithe opens up the doors for God to bless your life and it provides resources for God’s church so that we can reach, disciple and minister to people. (Malachi 3:10)

The Dream Builders Offering is what you give over and above your tithe to help People’s Church minister to people locally, nationally and internationally through missions, outreach, projects and starting new churches to reach new people. Dream Builders also helps launch new People’s Church campuses to reach new people. Every year many people in our church family make a one-year Dream Builders commitment over and above the tithe to accelerate the vision of our church. 

The Miracle Offering is a one time offering that goes toward fulfilling your Dream Builders commitment. Some people fulfill their entire Dream Builders commitment in the Miracle Offering. Some give a sacrificial offering of cash, land, homes or stocks in the Miracle Offering and then finish fulfilling their Dream Builders commitment by giving throughout the next year. As you give as much as you can as quickly as you can, God not only will bless your life but the vision of People’s Church will be accelerated. 

Miracle Offering Sunday is December 4, during all of our services at all of our campuses. Begin praying and asking God what he wants you to give over and above your tithe. You can give your tithe, Dream Builders offerings and Miracle Offering online, text to give, through the People’s Church app or in person.

The best and easiest way to give is to set up recurring giving. Setting up recurring giving is not only beneficial so you can stay consistent in your giving to the Lord but it also allows us to budget accurately as we move forward to see more changed lives. You can set up recurring giving today by downloading the People’s Church app (peoples.church/app) and clicking the give link or by going to peoples.church/giving. It’s a simple and secure way to give. 

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. 

- Proverbs 11:25